Coming from overseas, we were worried about education in a foreign country. We wanted our children to learn about local culture and language, while at the same time, maintain their own cultural roots.
Central Forest International School does not disappoint! In fact, it has exceeded our expectations! The curriculum is a remarkable hands-on, interactive learning experience. It is varied and provides many opportunities for children to learn in their own ways. The impressive list of activities appealed to our family: music, dance, swimming and Japanese language classes. Of course there are many trips to the neighborhood parks and numerous field trips!
However, the very best thing about Central Forest International School is the kindness of the staff toward every child and parent that enters their doors. The teachers are devoted professionals, who consistently facilitate and nurture the ‘whole child’. The facility is also warm and inviting with students’ artwork and photographs. The transparency of the learning that happens within these walls is amazing!
Our family is extremely pleased with our children’s overall progress. With no immediate family living near us, Central Forest has become our extended family who has truly helped our children grow up great. This school is simply a magical place. We will cherish the lessons our children have learned, experienced, and taught us. We’re forever grateful!
The Aviles Family, K3